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NBA Has Changed Since The 90’s

Published by on June 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Not to reminisce, but the NBA has definitely changed since the mid 90's, and most of the changes are negatives. Just look at the changes that are in today's league compared to the league not too long ago (mid-90's for example):

1. Softer Rules: These days, the defensive rules are much softer, giving the offensive player more of an advantage. Offensive players get to the hoop with ease, and don't pay for getting to the hoop like they did in the 90's or even 2000. Basically, every touch is a foul these days.

It wasn't like that before. The exception to giving the offensive players the advantage is one major thing—flopping.

2. Flopping: This has really ruined the game. With ...

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