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NBA Playoffs: Eastern Conference Semifinals Preview

Published by on May 4, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Cleveland Cavaliers (1) vs. Atlanta Hawks (4)

Is there any hope for the Hawks to beat the future 2009 NBA champs? Nah. 

That's right, I called them the future champs. Cleveland is going to win it all. The rest is all just building up to the Finals and likely the Lakers. 

No surprises in the first round sweep. Detroit didn't show up, and LeBron James had a field day. Now I don't think it'll be to that extent against the Hawks, but the Cavs aren't going to have a problem here. 

The Hawks-Heat matchup in round one was a fun one to watch. Joe Johnson and Josh Smith are both amazing players, and if Atlanta wins a game or two in this series, it will likely be because of them. 
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