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NBA Playoffs: Would-Be Contenders Spurs, Celtics Won’t Overcome Injuries

Published by on April 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The Celtics' and Spurs' managements can put a big, fat asterisk next to their respective team's evaluations this summer. 

That's assuming, of course, neither of those teams truly "shocks the sports world" and makes the finals without Kevin Garnett or Manu Ginobili.

I feel pretty good making that assumption.

Without the southpaw from the southern hemisphere, the Spurs are done.

Yes, they're better equipped to deal with his loss than most teams—see Michael Finley and Roger Mason Jr., but they'll lack the firepower necessary to accomplish the basic goal of playoff basketball, score more points than the other team four out of the seven times.

None of Ginobili's would-be repl...

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