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New Golden State Warriors Ownership Means Freedom and Hope for the Franchise

Published by on October 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Rumor has it that the Golden State Warriors owner Chris Cohan has been looking to sell the team. Which, means great news for Warrior fans because finally there will be an end to one of the worst ownerships in sports history.

Cohan since taking over the Warriors franchise 15 years ago has seen the team go to the playoffs just once and after that Cohan has pretty much dismantled the franchise the last two years.

The funny thing is that Cohan has always been good at scapegoating players and coaches who have left the team. Among those players were Chris Webber, Latrell Sprewell, and Baron Davis. Among the coaches were Don Nelson and P.J. Carleismo.

Not, only that but Cohan has also watched fan favorite Chr...

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