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Orlando Magic Steal the Throne: Capture Game One in Cleveland

Published by on May 21, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Best game that I have ever seen. Plain and simple. A historic game for years to come.

The Orlando Magic did what they came out to do.

Analysts did not believe they could and opposing NBA fans sure as heck did not believe so either.

But the players on the Orlando roster did (along with my man Stan Van Gundy) and that is all that counts.

They came out with heart, they came out with intensity, and they came out and captured Game One!

To start off the game, the Cleveland Cavaliers came out absolutely firing from all angles, ending the first quarter with a score of 33-19, and shooting nearly 52 percent from the floor.

With the energy on the Cavaliers side, they continued the...

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