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Orlando Magic: Why Not Us? Why Not Now?

Published by on May 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Orlando Magic blogger Scott Anez stirred up emotion this morning when he dug up a quote from Magic owner Rich DeVos from 1995:

"Why not us? Why not now?" Nearly 15 years after DeVos uttered those words, here we are, Magic fans, prepping for Game Seven in Boston against the 2008 world-champion Celtics.

DeVos's quote rings true today.

We're not the new team on the block anymore. We came up short in 1995 against Houston, but that doesn't have to happen today.

As Anez commented, it seems to be the Magic against the world.

The way the Magic have been treated by the media is ludicrous. All season, it's been about the Cavs, the Celtics, and the Lakers. It's been about the "master of panic...

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