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Over 30 in the NBA: Why Signing Hedo Turkoglu Makes Sense

Published by on October 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

In one of several big name signings this off season in the NBA, the Toronto Raptors signed the 30-year-old Hedo Turkoglu to a five-year $50 million plus contract.  That wasn’t the big surprise, Turkoglu could have signed with Portland for similar money.  The surprise was in the ravings from some writers and fans expounding on how the Raptors would live to regret this deal two, three, or four years down the road when Hedo’s skills will mysteriously desert him.

The exaggerated concerns over Hedo’s age are bordering on stupid strange.  At least that’s what a logical person would have to conclude after listening to the Raptors GM and looking at the deals given to other players that have extended ...

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