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Paul Pierce: Underrated and Underappreciated

Published by on May 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

After last season, Pierce made the bold statement that he was the single best player in the league.

"I don't think Kobe is the best player," he said. "I'm the best player.  There's a line that separates having confidence and being conceited.  I don't cross that line but I have a lot of confidence in myself."

Now I'm not going to agree with Pierce, because putting him on the level of either Kobe or LeBron James wouldn't be fair to any of the three players, but he is a lot closer than the average basketball fan believes.

Just look at his career.  Pierce's teams have always had a tendency to overacheive.  Whereas supposed superstars like Tracy McGrady (and even Kevin Garnett for most of his ...

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