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Pivot Points: Tyler “Psycho T” Hansbrough and His Shins

Published by on October 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

To all of the Indiana Pacer fans waiting to see if a healthy Tyler Hansbrough can make your team better, I feel your pain.

As a fan of the North Carolina program, I am well-versed in the anticipation waiting game.

Last season, it seemed all the news was about a foot (Marcus Ginyard), a toe (Ty Lawson), or Tyler's now infamous shins.

For me, Tyler's problems have been more troubling, and at some level, a lot more disappointing.

There are a lot of people that hate Hansbrough, for a variety of different reasons, although they usually follow the same basic pattern.

It's either because he's perceived as goofy, overrated, having destroyed your team, or because he attended North Carolina....

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