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Portland Trail Blazers Face New Challenges

Published by on October 13, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Fifty miles east of Portland Oregon looms the volcanic edifice known as Mt. Hood. She stands there taunting, challenging the adventurous soul to conquer her steep slopes and claim the crown waiting at her summit.

It takes little imagination to view her dramatic presence as the symbol of a city's quest. A city longing to re-enact a storied expedition to the top which only a few old-timers can remember.

It seemed a daunting task only three years ago as the Portland Trail Blazers milled about the base camp—preparing, dreaming, making ready for the ascent.

Now the team is gathered in the rare air of Hood's shoulder, with the summit clearly in sight...and in mind.

While the path to this poin...

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