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Random Ravings: Would Everyone Please Stop Worrying About Brandon Roy!?

Published by on November 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

See what Trail Blazers guard Brandon Roy's doing there?

Basically, he's being what he has been for Portland ever since he got there: the be-all, end-all type of player that teams need if they harbor serious NBA title aspirations.

He puts his body on the line, night in and night out. He takes a beating every time he plays. He's the guy who has single-handedly won at least a dozen games over the last two years.

So, how did the Blazers' brass repay him?

They got him some help. Namely, Andre Miller.

Normally, this is a good thing, for Miller is one of the pre-eminent ballhandlers and distributors in the league. His basketball acumen and veteran savvy were supposed to push this young t...

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