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Ranking the NBA Playoffs by What Really Counts: Cheerleaders

Published by on April 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

The NBA Playoff seeds are all set in stone for 2009. However I don’t think we should judge a team solely on number of wins and loses but we should judge them by how hot their cheerleaders are. After sitting down and sipping on some Courvoisier I came up with the real way teams should be ranked in the Playoffs. Simple formula: the hotter the cheerleaders = the higher the seed. Now before we get too excited about all this talk regarding seeding and cheerleaders, lets acknowledge the fact that these ladies have worked hard all year and deserve most of the credit for home victories. So here is the only true way to evaluate the post-season merits of a team, by their cheerleaders. First up, the Eastern Conference. ...

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