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Superman Vs Bizarro: Orlando Magic Host the Cleveland Cavaliers

Published by on November 11, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Ah yes, the debate about the ultimate good guy.  The believer of truth, justice, and the American way.  Good vs. evil at its best has always been Superman vs. Bizarro.

Dwight Howard and Shaquille O'Neal have both claimed the title, but who is truly Super enough to don the infamous red cape?  Of course, Shaq claimed the cape first.  Many believe that might be enough to give the Big Diesel the title. However, Dwight has ultimate physique to sport the S on his chest.

Superman has always been known as a boy scout.  He does good when others can't. He's too good.  He does not have a bad bone in his body.  He believes in all people even when they've stopped believing in themselves.  Children idoli...

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