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Take Notes LeBron: Kobe Bryant Is a Leader

Published by on June 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Watch Kobe.
Please do.

There is no better closer, no better player, and we are all witnesses to that in this upcoming Finals. Could he lose? Absolutely. Could he win? Surely.

But either way, we must appreciate the player he is, and not constantly break down his game into various understandable parts, because that is not an honest way one can examine a player whether it be Kobe or Michael Jordan.

We must accept, Bryant's successes and his failures, the good with the bad, and as we can see from so many NBA superstars, simply duplicating Bryant's good qualities isn't enough.

For the past month and a half, we've heard how much better better Kobe made LeBron during the Olympics, because Bron wa...

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