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Technically Speaking: Will Refs Face NBA Pressure to Bail Out LeCavs?

Published by on May 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

If you read any of my articles than you know I think their abysmal playoff history, controversies, and lack of parity suggest that it is a joke especially when compared to other rival leagues.

If you hate it so much, then why do you watch?

First off, not only is it already my least favorite sport so it has nowhere to go but up, but this is the first post-season I've watched since 2006 due to new and intriguing teams being in, namely the Magic, Nuggets, and Rockets all with real shots at success.

Them backing up solid play with coupled by the early exits of the Ginobili-less Spurs and depleted Boston Celtics didn't hurt either.

Consider in the past 20 years there basically have been total ...

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