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The 10 Biggest Shots in NBA Finals History

Published by on June 6, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

This year's playoffs brought it's share of thrilling game winning moments. Ray Allen's numerous tying and game winning three pointers, Paul Pierce's Dagger from the elbow vs the Bulls, Andre Iguodala stabbed Orlando in the heart, Big Baby's unlikey 17 footer, Mickael Piertus' three pointer, Hedu Turkoglu's go ahead sinker against the Cavs and LeBron's astonishing answer with one second left. In the words of the NBA's marketing machine, the 2009 playoffs have been nothing short of amazing. With the 2009 NBA Finals underway, I am provoked to wonder, "Who will make history this year?". With that in mind, I felt compelled to compile a list of the "The 10 Biggest Shots in NBA Finals History". This roster is comprised of game winning shots ...

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