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The 2009 NBA’s All Underrated Team: Starring Lebron James

Published by on May 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Professional athletes are not only rated by their physical ability, but also by their character and personality. They are judged by how well they can lead their team, or how well they can play their role. Media does their job well. They will air what the public wants to see. And what the public wants to see doesn't always classify as greatness. Sometimes, we would rather see a risky behind the back pass turnover, or a missed under the legs dunk in the playoffs. So, while we are watching these attention starved players on ESPN highlights, there are great players out there doing their job the right way, the way the game of basketball should be played. With fundamentals, not windmills. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 2009 NBA All-Unde...

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