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The Case Against Jason Kidd: A Potential Disaster

Published by on May 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

When you look at the roster at the New York Knicks, there aren't many guys who have the talent that Jason Kidd does. He can score, pass, and handle a basketball team, but he is not the kind of guy that the Knicks should be looking for. He actually goes against the Donnie Walsh philosophy completely.

A lot has been made about how Chris Duhon started off the season in a blaze of glory and slowly faded out. Truthfully, as a basketball junkie, I wasn't surprised. The only other guy on the team, who is really capable of taking the ball up the court, is Nate Robinson, but he sometimes is out of control, and he is more of a shooting guard by trade.

Plus, he is a restricted free agent, along with another Knicks' fan favorite...

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