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The Jazz’s Draft: Utah Will Look for Size in June

Published by on April 20, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Most experts predicted the Jazz to lose in four games to the Los Angeles Lakers in their postseason match-up, and with the way Utah played in their defeat on Sunday, I would say predictions seem pretty accurate. So while on the topic of the offseason, here are a few needs the Jazz can address in the offseason via draft: power forward, center, and point guard. The Jazz could take a power forward to actively shore up the position as Carlos Boozer (unrestricted) and Paul Millsap (restricted) are both free agents this offseason.

The Jazz have six players listed at 6'9" or taller in Mehmet Okur, Carlos Boozer, Jason Collins, Andrei Kirilenko, Kyrylo Fesenko, and last year's draft pick out of Ohio State, Kosta Koufus. However, on...

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