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The NBA: The End Is Near

Published by on April 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

It's all over but the shouting, gnashing of teeth, rending of garments, death, and destruction. No, I speak not about the NBA playoffs, but about the end of the entire world! It's been foretold in the prophecies of the Books of Revelation, Isaiah (not the HOF'er who stinks as a coach/GM), and Ezekiel.

Nostradamus, Chinese, Native American, & Aztec prophets have also predicted the end.

Fulfillment of these prophecies can be seen everywhere...wars & rumors of wars, massive earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, the de-moralization of societies, etc. So, you don't believe those sources or that evidence? Okay...Well, you HAVE to believe THIS evidence...


1) Last week, the Laker...

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