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The NBA’s All-White Team: Our Favorite Icons of Pale

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

American-born whites are an increasingly endagered species in the National Basketball Association. This group of fair-skinned ballers comprise an approximate 11 percent of NBA rosters. Just under eight percent of NBA starters are white, a white player has not started in an NBA All-Star game for a dozen years and only two whites have won the NBA's Most Valuable Player award during the past 35 years. Over the years, white players in the NBA have become more caricature than contender, more team mascot than muscle. This is not to say that there are not talented white players, both past and present, who have the skills to play damn good basketball in the NBA. However, the purpose of this slideshow is to showcase those players that have come t...

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