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Top Ten Point Guards in the NBA

Published by on April 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Written By Graham Brunell

For those of you that don't follow or watch "The Basketball Jones," I'll clarify now so you aren't lost through the whole article. Here's the description from their website, although the podcasts are also posted on Ball Don't Lie.

"The Basketball Jones is a NBA blog and podcast, written and recorded five times a week by J.E. Skeets, Tas Melas and Jason Doyle. Talk to us."

With one the recent TBJ podcasts debating the top ten PGs in the NBA (brought up by guest email question), I'd like to give my own take on this topic.

Plus, with the Rondo-Rose matchup in the Celtics-Bulls first round series we're currently in, I though it'd be fun to do a little informat...

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