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Toronto Raptors: Shaping Up for Next Season

Published by on April 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

This year, the Toronto Raptors had a disappointing season to say the least. With high expectations, the Raptors just couldn't get into a proper rhythm to make the playoffs.

But this year is over, and now it's time to look ahead.

For the Raptors to get better, they are going to need to address some issues, like their 2-3 spots, as well as inserting some toughness into their team.

I'm going to throw out some points that could help the Raptors this offseason:


Jay Triano

I think the Raptors should try and keep him on. He is a good coach and is good at developing the players. Under Triano's watch, I've seen great improvements in the Raptors' play after timeouts,...

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