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Turkoglu Eerliy Like Ehlo

Published by on May 26, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

In the wake of LeBron James' shot over Hedo Turkoglu, what has been lost is the interesting tangent that has emerged since that shot and its predecessor 20 years earlier. Michael Jordan nailed a two-point shot at the buzzer over an outstretched Craig Ehlo, which came to be known as "the shot".

Remarkably, Ehlo and Turkoglu have had remarkably similar careers.

Ehlo took six seasons to emerge as an all-around player from nothing more than a defensive specialist, while Turkoglu emerged after four seasons from being a three-point shooter to becoming a regular.  While Turkoglu was a better foul shooter and three-point shooter, Ehlo was more accurate from the field.  Admittedly, Ehlo never became the prolifi...

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