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Tyler Hansbrough Don’t Get No Respect

Published by on April 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Tyler Hansbrough has never received any respect. Critics have always said, "He's too slow, he's too short, he's got no potential." What has the former player of the year got going for him? What has the man who stayed for another year to get the championship got going for him? What has the kid with no potential got going for him.

Tyler Hansbrough has got one and only one thing going for him.

Tyler Hansbrough is hungry. He wanted the "National Player of the Year" more than anyone, and he got it. He wanted the championship more than anyone, and he got it. Right now a pattern should be emerging.

Pegged by critic as the next in the line of short, slow, white centers, he was seen as Kevin Love, without the skil...

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