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What Is It About Hedo Turkoglu?

Published by on May 25, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

There are many players in the league that don't don a Celtics green jersey that I fancy. Oh sure, I love the superstars. I mean, who wouldn't want to wear a Dwyane Wade jersey (besides you Magic and Mavs fans)? And LeBron? With exception to the Wizards fans of the world, who wouldn't enjoy boasting a King James jersey? And yes, I don't mind seeing a person put on Tim Duncan and Chris Paul apparel.

But what the heck is it about Hedo Turkoglu!? Is it his name (no seriously)? Is it watching him devour a piece of pizza?

Hedo Turkoglu came from Istanbul, (hence the nickname "Turk" or "Turkey"). He was part of the 2002 Sacramento Kings team—and yes, he was dressed for that series-changing Game Six between the Sacrament...

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