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Whit Watson Joins in on Fox Sports Mandated Twittering Tonight

Published by on April 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

An edict has come down from Fox Sports Network to all of their regional networks: Thou shalt participate in social media and social networking with tools such as Facebook and Twitter.

Of course they do not tell the regional networks what to Tweet about or how to go about it. They are still in the "crawl before we walk phase" of social media integration. FSN Florida/Sun Sports On-Air Talent Whit Watson will be the pioneer for that regional network tonight during the NBA playoff game between the Magic and the Sixers, using the SunSportsFOXFL twitter feed.

What's Up Whit You?: Whit Watson of Fox Sports Florida/
Sun Sports, , will be tweeting live at Game Two of the NBA Playoffs
between the Orlando M...

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