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Who Is The NBA’s Greatest Shooter?

Published by on May 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

(OK, I apologize i couldn't post a more mysterious or tantalising picture, I'm sure you will forgive me!)

Let us begin with a few simple, yet profoundly important definitions, or rather the attempt to distinguish between two similar but robustly different types of modern, offensive NBA player.


1. Scorer

A man who finds ANY way to put the ball in the basket. Simple. Be it dunk, layup, jump shot or even circus play. Here, I round-heartedly grant this prestigious award to our reigning MVP, LeBron James (D-Wade coming a close second and Mr. Bryant finishing a very, VERY distant third. No prizes for guessing, I'm not a fan!).

Night after night LeBron seemingly effortlessly ...

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