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Why Shaq Would Help LeBron Get His First Title .

Published by on June 14, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NBA

Batman had Robin, MJ had Pippen, and Tim had Tony. Almost every true champion had a side kick. In today's sports world, it is almost impossible to win a title by yourself (unless your Tiger). If you look at the past 5 NBA Champions, each team had a supporting cast. The Celtics, Spurs, Heat, and Pistons all played a team game. This is part, is why they were able to beat the oposing team and win a title. Lebron James is the next super star of the NBA. Sure, he is already one of the top two in the league, but i am talking about super star. When he retires he may have been as important to the game of basketball as MJ. Not as good a player, but as important. If Lebron ever hopes to be on the same level as MJ, he needs to start winning...

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