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2009 NFL Draft: First Round Sleepers and Busts

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

By The Redshirt Senior.


Watching Mel Kiper, Chris Berman, and the rest of the ESPN crew dissect prospects, one thing was abundantly clear; apparently The Señior knows nothing about football.

Somehow Graham Harrell torches every defense that has the gall to step on the field, yet he doesn't even get drafted?

The draft was full of decisions both puzzling (Javon Ringer didn't get picked until the fifth round?) and certifiably insane (Ohio University's Mike Mitchell in the second round?).

But there's no more debatable ground than the first round, so let's take a look at the first 32 picks through the eyes of someone who doesn't care about potential, just what these guys d...

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