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A Look Into The Crystal Ball: The Jacksonville Jaguars’ 2009 Season

Published by on May 12, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

If I could use only one word to describe how I feel about the Jaguars’ upcoming season, I would use “intrigued.”  Why you ask?

It is the season for spring cleaning, and the broom definitely came out of the Jacksonville front office’s storage room this off-season.  The mess that was Matt Jones and Reggie Williams was finally cleaned up, and a few disposable heroes of days past (i.e. Fred Taylor, Paul Spicer, and Mike Peterson) were shown the front door. 

I would argue that Freddy T definitely had mileage left and may have been let go prematurely, but the decision was made, and as a fan I will support it.  I don&r...

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