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A Team In Need Of a Face: The Kansas City Chiefs

Published by on June 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

As a thirty five year-old male, the Kansas City Chiefs have endured periods of transition during my lifetime, and I fully expect them to rebound from their recent struggles in the near future. 

From the year I was born in 1973, until 1986, the Chiefs enjoyed only two winning seasons.

Mediocrity continued until the arrival of Martyball to Arrowhead in 1989.  In a ten year stretch through 1999, the Chiefs compiled a record of 101-58-1 and made the playoffs seven times.

Gunther Cunningham followed Marty Schottenheimer and compiled a .500 record in two seasons at the helm for the Chiefs before giving way to Dick Vermeil in 2001.

Vermeil broke the mold of the Chiefs' tradition o...

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