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Alyssa Milano Markets NFL Items To Women, No Seriously

Published by on June 2, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The jokes about the softening of the league are too easy.

Alyssa Milano, well, scroll down and read it yourself.

Yes, she and her group have successfully marketed NHL and the NBA to female fans. So what?

At the risk of being called sexist, if the Steelers start wearing an alternate pastel Black and Gold to go with the mascot...

The new franchise in LA, the LA Sailor Moon...

San Diego's powder blues are a nice start...

The Patriots throwbacks should not be red, they should be a faded red...

OK, seriously for whomever cares, if women need it changed to like it, who wants those women as fans?  You'd have to outlaw crack back blocks and the wedge forma...h...

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