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An Open Letter to Brett Favre

Published by on May 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Dear Brett,

Do yourself a favor. Hang up your helmet, put on your Wrangler jeans, and retire for good.

You're this close (-) to making me forget all the cool stuff you did and only remember that you went senile and didn't know when to pull the plug, even though you were a thousand years old.
You used to be the man. The ultimate man's quarterback. You were Superman, if Superman got like a hundred testosterone shots and had his heart removed and replaced with a chainsaw.

I've always imagined that after every game you drove home in a gigantic, 16-cylinder pickup truck with wrought-iron upholstery, but that you always wore your seatbelt so that in case of an accident your body wouldn't injure the tr...

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