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Are the Cleveland Browns Asking for Too Much for Edwards?

Published by on April 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

As the draft nears closer, the Braylon Edwards to the Giants talks are dying down, much to my displeasure. I have talked about this trade in two other articles and still think it would be a crime for the Giants to decline a trade for Edwards.

The trade talks are dying down though, and it's because the Browns are asking for too much in the Giants' minds.

The Browns want a first, second, or third round pick and Mathius Kiwanuka for Edwards.

The Giants believe this trade is too much, but I don't. I think this would be a great trade for my G-men.

Lets take a look into this.

The Giants would most likely use their first round pick to draft a receiver, if they decided not to trade for on...

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