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Around the League with Injury Updates on B. Marshall, T. Brady and More!

Published by on June 3, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

There has been quite a bit happening the last few weeks concerning players coming back from injury. Let's take a look at those cats and see where they stand with OTAs wrapping up. This is the first part of injury updates for players. I'll be hitting them as I see their updates cross my desk. Let's get to it:


WR Brandon Marshall, Denver Broncos, on his hip injury: "I'm almost there. I'm almost there."

Marshall (hip) is taking his time with his injury but states if the team were playing in the Super Bowl right now he would be out there. Great news as he's begun to run, but the bad news is that he's decided to move his rehabilitation to Orlando.

Some speculat...

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