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Bills’ 2009 Playbook for the Layperson: ABC’s Not X’s & O’s

Published by on May 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The average football fan brain shuts down when the TV pundits start writing X's and O's on the screen, diagramming plays. Those who have actually played football may get it. The rest just wait for the announcers to switch back to English.

Therefore, I will discuss the strategy the Bills need to emphasize in the coming season in language that even the least technically savvy fan will easily comprehend.

Rather than hearkening back to plays that worked last season or specific plays that should work this coming season, we'll talk big picture strategy.

First, coaching decisions must improve.

If Jauron wants to keep his job, he has to make better calls under pressure, needs to take more risks...

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