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Born Into Bengals Nation

Published by on May 22, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

My name is Tom Mirick and I have been a fan of the Bengals every since I can remember. My family is all huge Bengals fans so it really wasn't an option, I was born into Bengals Nation, and I have no regrets.

If you’re a fan of the Steelers or Patriots get out of my tragedy, I sat through the 90's and early 2000's watching every game and having my yearly mantra of  “wait to next year were going to be good" destroyed. I hear a lot of sports pundits talk of all the great fans and rarely does anyone mention Cincinnati, which is a shame, because Cincinnati has some of the best fans of any team in any sport.

There are few teams that have had the futility of the Cincinnati Bengals. There are no fans of the ...

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