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Breaking Down the AFC West: Lightning Strikes Again in 2009

Published by on May 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The AFC West has seen some major changes in 2009. 

Gone are some of the most recognizable faces in the conference.  Jay Cutler, Tony Gonzalez, and Mike Shanahan have moved on.  

They are replaced by Matt Cassel, Josh McDaniels, and Todd Haley to name a few.

The AFC West draws the NFC East and AFC North on the schedule in the upcoming season. 

That means each AFC West team not named the San Diego has at least six games against teams that made it to the playoffs last the season, including the past two Super Bowl Champions. 

The Chargers don't have to play against themselves, but the Bolts still get the Steelers, Giants, Ravens an...

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