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Brett Favre: The Man, The Myth, The Aftermath

Published by on June 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

As I write this, Brett Favre is live in New York doing his Joe Buck interview. I had originally promised myself there would be no Favre articles on Bleacher Report, but this one will be the only one. Until I change my mind.

I do not have HBO, so I am checking live updates on the local blog. Some of his comments are pretty much what I expected. It sounds like he is owning it and admitting he is looking at coming back with the Vikings.

This is such a hot topic because there are so many angles you can view it from. There so many opinions you can have with legitimate arguments for and against. Whether you're a fan or not, it gets you talking. Combine sketchy reporting from the media, a Hall of Fame quarterback, stor...

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