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Brett Favre To Play for 29 NFL Teams B/R confirms: The Rest of the Story (NOT)

Published by on May 9, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

The news was broken late Friday by John Breech, Reporter Extraordinaire (Level Seven) of the BleacherReport.com that Roger Goodall has been secretly talking to Brett Favre, formerly of the Green Bay Packers, New York Jets, and the Mississippi Rumor Mill about playing for all NFL teams this year.

For clarification, Brett will not be playing this year for the Packers, the Jets, or, as was reported by John, the Lions.

Editorial staff has held onto this piece of the story while waiting for sources at the NFL, ESPN, Yahoo, FOX, CIA, and Wal-Mart to be certain there could be absolutely no primary, secondary or tertiary source connected to the story.

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