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Brett Favre WILL Be a Viking? Duh!

Published by on June 15, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Raise you're hand if you think that Days of our Favre should get a daytime Emmy award for best drama? Looks like it's unanimous!

If you're a Viking fan, hearing this story day after day could truly make you sick. One day Favre seems completely giddy to wear number four for the purple. The next day, it seems that Fav-Ray will remain retired. This has been going on longer than any Viking fan can stomach. It's time to put an end to it right now! Well, one could hope, anyway.

The latest story of "Favre Watch '09" is that after getting surgery on his throwing arm, Brett Favre has been attempting to throw a football with little to no pain. This is a huge part of the saga being that if Favre did indeed want to stay retired, h...

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