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Can This Patriot Return to Form in 2009?

Published by on May 20, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

On Saturday May 2nd, 2009, Laurence Maroney and his mother, Terri Terrell, served as honorary chairs for “Boston March for Babies.”

Answering questions at the charity walk, Maroney claimed to have a clean bill of health from the shoulder injury which ended his season in 2008 after three games.  Patriot fans rejoice!  But doubts remain.

Maroney came to New England three years ago with high expectations. He was the 21st pick in the 2006 draft out of Minnesota. Then-coach of the Denver Broncos, Mike Shanahan, claimed Maroney was the steal of the first round and predicted that he would soon become one of the most dominant...

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