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Chicago Bears Vs 3-4 Defenses

Published by on April 30, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

A lot of teams are transitioning over to a 3-4 defense.  What is so special about this?  The one thing that everyone automatically says is that you can't tell where the blitz is coming from.  Well, that's not entirely true.

The 3-4 has two defensive ends and a nose tackle on the line.  The nose tackle can shoot either the strong A gap or the weak A gap.  The defensive ends can be put pretty much anywhere.  They can sit in front of the guard, be put on the B gap, lined up in front of the tackle, or on the C gap.  That goes for strong and weak sides. 

The idea is that you cannot just automatically assign two offensive lineman to double team a certain guy.  It is ex...

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