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Comparisons: Michael Jackson and Michael Jackson?

Published by on April 17, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

Hello and welcome to another edition of Comparisons. Notice I use a lot of links in my articles, so get ready. This may be another funny one like last time, or it may not.

But by looking at the picture, I bet you it is funny. And guess what? I'm right, it is. Get ready for another funny article with the series of Comparisons.

Now you probably know what the comparison is, their names. And where do we start....

Michael Jackson

You know I have to do an article on the man who always has a "Thriller." But now his popularity has gone up because of all the drama. Due to all of the drama everyone will be making fun of the best album ever made.

Tech Nine, a rapper, has already starts his al...

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