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Congratulations, James Harrison…President Obama Can Congratulate You Later

Published by on May 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

It makes sense. President Obama is merely a civil servant working for us, while you, James Harrison, were the Most Valuable Player in the Superbowl. I've often thought if the President of the United States wants to shake my hand, he better be willing to come to my front door.

Why should you be inconvenienced by traveling to the White House to be congratulated by the front running leader of the free world? And if I recall correctly, even though the President was pulling for you and your teammates, he did have the gull to still wish the Cardinals the best.

"I don't feel the need to actually go," you said of the visit with President Obama. "I don't feel like it's that big a deal to me."

You go boy. Tell it h...

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