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Dallas Cowboys’ 2009 Position Battle: Nickel Inside Linebacker

Published by on June 16, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

This position battle is not for a starting position, but who will become Kevin Burnett's replacement in the Dallas Cowboys' nickel linebacker package.

Bobby Carpenter, a first round pick in the 2006 NFL Draft, has not made the impact for the Cowboys as they thought he would. It is hard for me to understand why after all these years he still hasn't made it as a starting linebacker. You would think that by now he could prove himself capable to get on the field.

It just hasn't happened yet.

I don't think Carpenter is capable to fill this position. I think he is too slow to defend the pass and can't take on the blockers or a ball carrier. This position is not his to keep, it will be up to him to fight for i...

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