Featured, NFL NEWS

Dallas Morning News Irresponsible in Practice Facility Over-Coverage

Published by on May 24, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

In this recession, it's been hard to miss newspapers closing down.  It's been even harder to miss self-important journalists belly-aching about the newspaper industry.  Given all the expenditure slashes, one would think shoddy, over-the-top, trifling investigative journalism might be gone.

Not at the Dallas Morning News.

As published today and reprinted on ESPN's hit-mongering site, Brooks Egerton (Dallas' version of Carl Monday?) tells the world the shocking, appalling, and devastating truth that a consultant who worked on the Dallas Cowboys' practice facility had a criminal record and fudged the resume he sent to the paper.

The newspaper industry is dwindling in resources while the country is...

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