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Does the Gridiron Have Any International Future?

Published by on April 18, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

With NFL Europe going bust and rows upon rows of empty seats at NFL Wembley, does gridiron have any hope of ever gaining international respect?

Nearly $1 billion was spent and lost on NFL Europe with no real progress seen in NFL's hopes of being respected internationally.

With the modern world speeding up and even cricket inventing a faster version in 20/20, can a stop and start sport like gridiron gain new fans? In the modern world people seem to want action and not adverts.

I doubt the US fans would be happy to see the Super Bowl played abroad or LA citizens if the next NFL franchise went to a foreign land instead of to them. Any trick NFL uses to try to grow gridiron will come with a backlash from own ...

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