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ESPN’s Frankenstein Monster: Brett Favre Un-Retirement Rumors

Published by on May 5, 2009
Article Source: Bleacher Report - NFL

ESPN is reporting that Brett Favre is not interested in coming out of retirement.

Every day.

All day.

The news part of the story is that ESPN has nobody to fill their man crush void if Favre actually stays retired, so they're going to keep his career on life support until every snap is taken by a healthy quarterback in 2009.

The part of this story that makes me the maddest is that, each time it makes an appearance, ESPN is reporting that there is no validity to the story. If it's being denied by all parties, how does it merit being brought up again and again?

My advice to ESPN: Give it up. Get a new story to follow, like the NHL playoffs, Zach Greinke's start, or just about an...

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